Local January 31, 2011 | 10:31 am

Dominican gang member faces 100 years in prison

NEW YORK.- The FBI’s Special Anti-Street Gang Unit arrested Jose Polanco, 28, Jose Cabrera (JP), 24, and Rafael Soriano, 31, considered three key members of the Dominican gang Los Trinitarios, in the state of Rhode Island

During the interrogations Polanco’s gang companions described him as the main leader or “Primera” (first) and after pleading guilty, the federal public prosecutors requested a 120 year jail sentenc and a $5.5 million dollar fine.

Polanco, in addition to charges of drug trafficking, racketeering, illegal firearm possession, attempted murder and conspiracy to distribute ecstasy, is accused of recruiting dozens of youngsters in public schools, mainly in Providence.

The prosecutors said the gang leader, mainly offered expensive clothes, cars and cash to prospective members of the gang, integrated by Dominicans.

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