Local June 24, 2013 | 4:18 pm

Contradiction revealed despite former President’s bravado

Santo Domingo.- Former president Hipolito Mejia on Monday vowed to take opposition PRD party president Miguel Vargas out of that organization on July 19. “He’s outta here!"

"On July 19 he’s (Miguel Vargas) outta here because he end his term as party president," Mejia told reporters at his political office.

He said the PRD’s bylaws call for a national convention to elect new officers next month.

Mejia said he though agreed to meet with Vargas openly as an “icebreaker,” no pre-arrangements or agreements can be forged in that meeting.

"What I had to say privately and personally I put in this letter (sent to Vargas), which is sufficiently clear and forceful.

I wrote what I thought in black and white, what our leaders want is a dialogue," Mejía said.


Mejia’s statements appear to contradict those of José Miguel Soto Jiménez, former Armed Forces minister under the former president, who on Monday also confirmed that Mejia had pledged support for Vargas’ presidential bid in 2016.

"Of course, it is true," Soto said when asked about Vargas’ affirmation that Mejia pledged support for the PRD president’s run for the National Palace.

Soto, interviewed on Cuentas Claras, 95.7 FM, was one of the witnesses in a meeting early May between Mejía and Vargas in the former minister’s villa at Lomas Lindas, San Cristóbal (south).

The retired general is also the president of the minor opposition party Quinta Republica.

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