Economy March 31, 2016 | 4:24 pm

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Dominican lawmakers be warned: The Web is watching

Santo Domingo.- The think tank Institutionalism and JusticeFoundation (FINJUS) on Thursday announced the launch of a website to monitor thelegislative work of Congress.

FINJUS executive vice president Servio Tulio Castaños saidthe web tool will allow will allow all citizens to monitor the legislativeinitiatives, lawmakers and working committees from both houses of Congress, freeof charge.

He stressed the importance of initiatives by senators anddeputies to be made public to social institutions, employers, the media andacademia, among others.

Luis Hernandez, president of the SCIL, SRL, the firm thatdeveloped the project, said site users must create a user name with which theycan keep tabs online with all laws and resolutions in effect in the currentlegislature, while each legislative section is updated over a period of 24 to48 hours.

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