Local December 19, 2012 | 7:37 am

U.S. list of extraditable Dominican officers a rumor, military chief says

Santo Domingo.- The U.S. Embassy doesn’t have any list of senior military officers wanted in extradition for alleged links to criminal activities, Armed Forces minister Sigfrido Pared said Tuesday.

"They (the embassy) say they have no names now, if there are later, then that’s another thing. There’s no list,” the military chief said upon confirm that he met with U.S. ambassador Raul Yzaguirre on Monday.

Pared said aside from retired admiral Francisco Guerrero Hiraldo, Washington hasn’t issued any extradition request, "they simply make the request in accordance with a request by justice."

"Just as the case of retired admiral Hiraldo Guerrero was conducted, to that extent they (the Embassy) will take into account when the U.S. justice system to make an assessment and request a member of the Armed Forces, we will proceed in the same way as now," the official said.

The meeting came after rumors of a list of senior officers wanted by the U.S. on alleged links to drug trafficking, which prompted Pared to request the meeting with the U.S. Ambassador, which Pared revealed occurred on Monday.

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