Local May 18, 2013 | 11:47 am

Justice minister´s initiative minimized by some sectors

Santo Domingo.– Justice minister Francisco Dominguez Brito regretted yesterday that his initiative to fight against human traffickers and those who pay for sex, is minimized by some sectors.

Dominguez said his proposal can not be considered as simple, because it is a struggle aimed at fighting "major international trafficking rings for sexual purposes operating here illegally, and they also recruit minors."

According to the also Attorney General, prostitution has long been practiced openly in much of the Dominican Republic but the trafficking of people for the sex trade has become so widespread that the government believes it must now impose controls on the industry.

"We are talking in many cases about young girls who are semi-enslaved," he pointed out and added that added that the government will work in programs for prostitution prevention and social reintegration of these women.

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