Top supplier touts natural gas as price falls for the first time in months

Santo Domingo.- NaturalGas Solutions (SGN) CEO Miguel Guerra Armenteros on Monday said natural gas isstill the for cheapest fuel for the market of vehicles and the cleanest aswell. The company, also known as SGN, is the principal distributor of naturalgas in Dominican Republic.
The statement comesjust days after the Industry and Commerce Ministry set the price of natural gasat RD$25.58PQM, or RD$2.86 lower until Saturday, the first decline on the fuelin months.
Guerra said the currentprice of natural gas per cubic meter is 52% cheaper than regular gasoline, 36%cheaper than diesel and 30% cheaper than propane gas.
"NGV (natural gas)is the fuel of the future as well as being the cheapest it’s also the cleanest inthe market, leading to significant savings in maintenance and performance ofyour vehicle. This fuel also helps preserve the environment and since is emitsless CO2 that existing ones," Guerra said in a statement.
There are currently 25 naturalgas stations across the country, with two more to be operating by yearend, “meaningeven more options for motorists.”