Local August 10, 2018 | 7:05 pm

Only 51 pass test for prosecutor vacancies of 216 hopefuls who applied

Santo Domingo.- The Office of the Prosecutor on Fri. revealed that only 51 candidates for prosecutors from a total of 216 who applied, successfully passed the first phase the internal competition authorized by the Justice Ministry Superior Council to cover 40 vacancies nationwide.

However the names of the prosecutors who passed the evaluations weren’t provided, claiming that they’re identified by a code, to “safeguard the confidentiality of their individual information, as established by the rules of the contest.” The codes are available on the website pgr.gob.do.

It said that the bases for this year’s contest, as well as the one held in 2015, establish confidentiality.

“The candidates’ information and the results of the evaluations carried out are confidential and can only be provided individually during the contest to the candidate himself until their participation in it ends.

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