Local September 2, 2024 | 1:24 pm

U.S. confiscates Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

Image: external source

Santo Domingo.- The United States has seized Venezuela’s presidential plane, previously used by Nicolás Maduro, after determining that its acquisition violated U.S. sanctions and other legal regulations.

The aircraft, valued at $13 million and often referred to as Venezuela’s equivalent of Air Force One, was flown to Florida on Monday, according to two U.S. officials who spoke to CNN. The plane had been used by Maduro during various state visits worldwide.

“This sends a message to the top,” one official told CNN. “Seizing the plane of a foreign head of state is a significant move in criminal enforcement. It clearly demonstrates that no one is above the law, and no one is beyond the reach of U.S. sanctions.”

The plane had been in the Dominican Republic in recent months, but U.S. officials did not specify why the opportunity to seize it emerged at this time.

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