Dominican Diaspora in New York celebrates National Day Parade
Image: RC Noticias
New York.- The traditional Dominican National Day parade in New York took on a profound and urgent significance on Sunday, August 11. The Dominican diaspora used the parade as a platform to deliver a powerful message to President Luis Abinader: take immediate action to protect the lives and well-being of women and girls in the Dominican Republic. They called for the decriminalization of abortion under three critical circumstances: when the mother’s life is at risk, when the pregnancy is not viable, or in cases of rape or incest.
The reform of the Penal Code, which has criminalized abortion in all cases since 1884, is a major concern for Dominicans abroad, activists, human rights advocates, and women’s rights defenders. Just last month, members of the diaspora and other New Yorkers gathered at the Dominican Republic Consulate to protest the total ban on abortion, resulting in several arrests.
The Dominican community in New York, which maintains strong connections to their homeland, is committed to advocating for change. “Dominicans in New York are determined to fight for meaningful change, showing that the fight for the lives and well-being of Dominican women knows no borders,” concluded Septimo.