Local November 13, 2012 | 9:10 am

Entity balks at jail terms for freedom of the press crimes

Santo Domingo.- The Institutionalism and Justice Foundation (Finjus) criticized the draft to amend the Penal Code now in Congress, which sets prison sentences and other for press offenses, including special penalties when the plaintiff is a public official.

Finjus said the world’s current thinking is to eliminate the penalties of detention for libel and slander and keeps only civil sanctions, “otherwise it would be a breech to freedom of expression.”

In a statement, the Institutionalism and Justice Foundation rebuked the manner in which it affirms the Chamber of Deputies conducted the Penal Code’s amendment, calling it “improper, to the point that if they make ??some changes that have been announced they’ll cause serious distortions on the rule of law and the observance of the guarantees and rights of citizens enshrined in the Constitution.”

“The clearest example of this unfortunate trend regarding the limitations on the freedom of expression and of thought, are those introduced by Articles 191 and 193 of the Code,” is said, adding, “the broad social consensus about the free expression of thought is one of the foundations of any democratic society and essential for their existence.

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