“It’s going to go very badly,” Luis Abinader’s warning to Haitian gangs if they set foot in the Dominican Republic
Luis Abinader at the National Palace (External source)
Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader warned Haitian gang members that they will fare very badly if they set foot in the Dominican Republic, given the intervention that will be carried out to pacify that country.
“We have strengthened the Armed Forces, especially the Army, which today is more equipped and prepared for when the intervention happens. We are right now in a state of special attention so that any of these people, of these elements that have participated in these gangs, we have identified the name and each one of them, we have a database of each one of them and it will be very bad for them if they set foot in the Dominican Republic, it has already been very bad for several of them, it will be very bad for them,” emphasized the head of state.
In addition, during the interview for the program “El Gobierno de la Mañana”, the president added that he will prepare the country to protect every square meter of the Dominican Republic and “every citizen of our country.”
Also, Abinader reiterated that the DR cannot be part of the intervention that will be carried out to pacify Haiti.
“I repeat, we cannot participate, we are not going to participate in that intervention for obvious reasons, we are a border country, we have a history, but that intervention is going to be positive for the Dominican Republic because it will pacify that country and we will be able to have an interlocutor who has total control of that nation so that we can protect our security,” he emphasized.
Don’t want the gangs, then… seal the border. Allow commercial trade traffic only, inspect all vehicles crossing the border, no exceptions. Two inspectors looking at each vehicle… two are more difficult to be paid off to look the other way. Change inspector pairings each day. It is the best way to use the 11,000 plus military at the frontera.
Wake up …this is Dominicana Republic …everyone is on the “take”…
For some business ,for some supplemental income …
But either way show must go on …
Nothing is going to change , no one cares what you me ,and few others are writing or saying …
Money does not have eyes ? …
Things will change, they already are. It takes time to undue the damage the last government administration did. Luis abinadar is moving things in the right direction. Corruption is a problem in the country. With every passing year is improving, with the resent cases it shows the current government is pushing for change
I hope so …wake me up when they do …
Start with changing mentality ,the way the people think
“brains” (minds) are commodity here …Institutional corruption …etc …
Start with police and army who stop tourists ,and others ,extorting them…
There is no fear of consequences because they have nothing to lose …
90% de país se levanta por la mañana para buscar “moro”,para algo de comer y ganar un poco de dinero para sobrevivir …
Es una lotería para todos ,se cansa , y no los importa lo que va pasar …
Gente está cansada de de atracos ,prestamista ,de todo que no le permite respirar profundo como de be de hacer …
Dinero no tiene ojos ? …
Entra los bolsillos donde esta más cómodo …
El pescado no huele por la cola, huele mal por la cabeza…
With negative attitudes and acceptance like yours, nothing will ever change. However, we should never stop trying to improve our situation. It won’t be quick or easy but it is the only course of action for a better life for our children. It appears that the president is trying to improve the country but no one can eliminate decades of damage and corruption over night. Keep trying and support those who do.
The border is sealed and you still got through and are now minding Dominicans business instead of your country, Haiti.
Our biggest problem right now is the Haitian take over of our hospitals and schools. We are in a state of emergency.
Break diplomatic relations with Haiti. Seal the border to all traffics of goods and people.. Make it like the border between North and South Korea.
I reside in the Bahamas and work for bellsouth bahamas affiliiate as a contrtactor, many years ago a former Prime Minister of the Bahamas Lynden Oscar Pindling warned the Bahamas and its people about pacifying the Hatian migration problem here and the corruption of the immigration officers that turned the other cheek for money to allow illegal hatians to refuge here. Today , less than 20 years later , the Bahamas is Haiti.. overran with Haitians , mostly illegal . They are now in our police force, defence force and government institutions , they look out for there own and victimize natural born native Bahamians in their own country , this once English speaking only country is now liitered with Hatian Creole every where. crime and killing never before seen or understood here are now common, they like machetes and are barbaric, they rape and steal and then whoosh vanish into the air because they are mainly undocumented. Dont be fooled Republic Dominica , Hatians do not mean you well, they are liars , thieves, and killers … and I am not being racist , I am being dead right honest and accurate , Stop them from overtaking your country like they have here. do not tolerate them … they will destroy your nation,create ghettos with illegal housing shanty towns every where, make your country unsafe ans unstable , overburden your social and mental health systems and hospitals, have babies like dogs in heat , and disrespect you and your country when they feel they have enough of them in your country to dictate to you in your OWN country what they want. Wake up dont listen to the UN and all these BS countries that pacify them, get them out of the DR while you still have a chance… we in the Bahamas have lost out identity to those people called Hatians, mark my words… GET THEM OUT AND DEAL WITH THEM HARSHLY AND HEAVY HANDED OR U WILL SEE YOUR CHILDREN LIVE TO REGRET IT