Health June 7, 2024 | 8:28 am

Dominican Republic’s participation in Geneva World Health Assembly

Geneva.- The Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, led by Vice Minister Miguel Rodríguez Viñas, actively participated in the Seventieth World Health Assembly at the United Nations Palace in Geneva, Switzerland.

Following a week of intensive negotiations, countries, including the Dominican Republic, reached consensus on a series of amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) and committed to finalizing discussions on the Pandemic Agreement within one year.

During the general debate, Rodríguez Viñas commended the World Health Organization’s (WHO) efforts in organizing the Assembly, particularly in navigating the complex negotiations surrounding the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Agreement over the past two years. He stressed the ongoing imperative to bolster pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response systems in each Member State, within a cohesive, just, and inclusive global framework.

Additionally, he highlighted significant national initiatives, including the launch of the “National Strategic Health Plan 2030,” which prioritizes the prevention of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, and the nationwide expansion of the HEARTS strategy, with an anticipated investment of $50 million.

The Dominican delegation also included Permanent Ambassador Virgilio Almánzar, Alternate Permanent Representative Ambassador María de Jesús Díaz Obregón, Health Issues Counselor Isabel Padilla, Maxine Moreu from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva, Switzerland, and Penélope Cisnero, International Cooperation Analyst from the Ministry of Public Health.

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