Local October 4, 2011 | 10:29 am

Nearly half of DT readers say “big fish” not caught in Antinarcotics colonel’s murder

Santo Domingo.- Nearly half of Dominican Today readers don’t believe that the “big fish” behind the murder of Drugs Control Agency official Cesar Augusto Ubri were mentioned and much less arrested in the case.

When asked “How say the authorities handle the Antinarcotics official’s murder case?,” 46.15% of those who participated said “Badly, big fish not even mentioned,” and casted 180, of the total of 390 votes.

For 23.33% of the readers, who casted 91 votes, the probe was conducted “OK, but more suspects still on the loose,” while 74 voted for the response “I expect another cover-up” (18.97%).

With 45 votes, 11.54% of the readers affirm that the authorities, at least in the astonishing killing of a Colonel, were “Great, shows they can be efficient.”

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