Local October 25, 2011 | 8:22 am

Audit finds irregularities of US$78.9M by Santiago’s ex mayor

Santiago.- An Accounts Chamber audit on financial statements during the tenure of former Santiago mayor Jose Enrique Sued uncovered irregularities of RD$3.0 billion (US$78.9 million) from 2004 to 2005 and 2008 to 2009.

The alleged irregularities range from duplicity of payments and purchases of goods without the call for tenders stipulated by Law.

The provisional report cited by newspaper El Caribe says Sued’s administration paid the members of the city council for advertising and assigned RD$60 million in works to contractors who are close relatives of senior city officials.

Just in the purchase of goods and services without call for tenders figure amounts of $2.4 billion, whereas for works assigned to contractors related to officials there were irregularities of 142.8 billion.

Although the audit concluded August 13 the report had yet to be disclosed.

In the description of the financial situation and handling of taxpayers’ money, the report questions 2.8 million pesos in ballooned payments: employees with more than one code received 100,000 pesos, while 2.6 million pesos were paid to employees who didn’t figure on the payroll.

The irregularities reach RD$292.5 million just in non-registered disbursements.

Moreover 25.9 million pesos correspond to works paid with amounts higher than contracted.

In several occasions current mayor Gilberto Serulle questioned Sued’s tenure, to the point they have both have filed slander charges in the courts.

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