Local July 13, 2016 | 12:01 pm

Samaná Tourism Cluster warns against ‘professional squatters’

Santo Domingo-The Samaná Tourism Cluster on Wednesday said thesquatters on private land are cause for concern, and asked the judicial andpolice authorities for actions to ensure legal security and preserve thedynamic process of the tourism sector’s rising investments.

The Cluster said "professional invaders" are presenting"frivolous claims affecting registered lands in areas suitable for tourism,"which in its view create situations that set back development projects. “There’san urgent need to ensure legal security and the effective protection of privateproperty as a fundamental, constitutionally protected right."

The frequent invasion of registered private land, theCluster says, "is one of the factors affecting the development of tourismprojects and local and foreign investment, deteriorating the business climate,affecting the competitiveness and the country’s projection at international level."

In a statement, the Cluster calls Samana province,"the victim of this harmful practice," which directly affects its mainindustry… “tourism.”

The Cluster adds that the squatters jeopardize the region’snatural attractions, “considered among the world’s best" for which a lackof response on the part of the government hinder its efforts of investing inmodern infrastructure to spur tourism’s growth and its economic and socialimpact.

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