Local February 16, 2024 | 8:17 am

PUCMM and Onesvie join forces to establish Resilience and Multi-Hazard Risk Research Center

Santo Domingo.- The Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) and the National Office for Seismic Assessment and Vulnerability of Infrastructure and Buildings (Onesvie) formalized a collaboration on Wednesday to establish a specialized research center for comprehensive disaster risk management. The Resilience and Multi-Hazard Risk Research Center (CIRRMA-ONESVIE-PUCMM) will particularly focus on seismic risk reduction.

The agreement, signed by the university’s rector, Reverend Father Dr. Secilio Espinal, and Onesvie’s general director, Leonardo Reyes Madera, outlines objectives including the training of human capital for multidisciplinary research aimed at contributing to risk reduction. Additionally, the collaboration opens the possibility for the future establishment of the National Earthquake Resistant Engineering Laboratory.

At the signing ceremony, Onesvie’s director emphasized the seismic activity in the Dominican Republic, underscoring the importance of proactive measures despite the infrequency of earthquakes. The collaboration is seen as a crucial step in overcoming delays in prevention, code updates, and public awareness.

Dr. Secilio Espinal expressed gratitude for the trust placed in the institution, emphasizing the pivotal role of academia and scientific research in partnership with the public sector. This collaboration aims to raise awareness and formulate public policies regarding resilience to disasters, territorial planning, and urban development.

Professor Ashley Morales Cartagena, the director of CIRRMA, highlighted the collaborative structure’s significance, emphasizing its role in working with local and international partners to enhance the nation’s resilience capabilities.

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