Raquel Peña: “Dominican women want more”

Santo Domingo – The Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, expressed here last night that the best way to commemorate International Women’s Day is by cultivating the will to continue advancing and consolidating the achievements reached for the full development of Dominican women and the whole society.
“We Dominican women want more, we deserve more, and we are going to do more to change the country,” said Peña during the conference “Present and Future of Dominican Women” held at the Utesa Convention and Culture Center. Hundreds of women participated.
The activity was organized by the Women’s Committee of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), the 21 allied organizations, and the Campaign Command of senatorial candidate Daniel Rivera. The priest Carlos Santana gave the invocation.
Peña cited some of the government strategies and projects being promoted to continue guaranteeing the advancement of Dominican women in all sectors of national life. He pointed out the creation of jobs, loans to micro, small, and medium enterprises run by women, technical training, and the accompaniment and training through the program Mujeres Súper Emprendedoras (Super Enterprising Women) of Supérate.
She also stated that Dominican history is full of examples of women’s courage and determination to defy adversity.
She pointed out that women’s political empowerment is key to guaranteeing equal representation in government structures and building a more just society.
The PRM senatorial candidate for this province, Daniel Rivera, highlighted Dominican women’s capacity for work and dedication, adding that they are enterprising, educators, and loving.
Rivera said he will receive pending proposals from the Senate from the different sectors, including legislative, supervisory, or representative forces. She indicated that women are a priority for the president and vice president.