Economy September 6, 2024 | 2:36 pm

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Abinader: Haiti crisis straining Dominican Republic’s migration, health, and education systems

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader addressed the Haitian crisis’s impact on the Dominican Republic during a recent meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Abinader highlighted the strain the situation places on the Dominican Republic’s migration, health, and education systems.

At a press conference, Abinader noted that approximately 6.5% of the Dominican Republic’s students, around 147,000, are of Haitian nationality. He also revealed that Haitian migrants account for 14% of hospitalizations and 34% of births in public hospitals, a situation he claimed is unprecedented in global health systems.

Abinader expressed concern over the increased migratory pressure resulting from the crisis, which affects public services and poses security risks. He emphasized the need for additional support from the multinational security support mission (MCS) and resources to strengthen the UN trust fund. The President also highlighted the importance of renewing the MCS mandate in October.

He reiterated the Dominican Republic’s commitment to working with the United States on regional security and stability, while acknowledging differences in perspectives on certain issues.

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September 6, 2024 3:10 pm

Tell him the truth. Stop sugar coating. There are millions of Haitians the dr is supporting. Not just in education or in hospitals but in crimes.

Paul Tierney
September 8, 2024 10:31 am

Solve the problem, close the border to human traffic, period.

September 13, 2024 5:45 am

Close the border and then DEPORT ALL illegal aliens back to Haiti.

J. Couamin
September 15, 2024 8:30 am
Reply to  CAC

A whole bunch of haitian are stuck in DR, because of the borders, visa not being issues and the flights suspension. Please don’t think that most haitian want to be in DR. Why do Dominican migrate to other countries? Oops, you don’t have to answer, just wanted to give you something to think about..

September 15, 2024 12:38 pm

Pull the plug. Don’t end up like the US…full of illegal savages. Close the border to them and start immediate deportations.