Tourism June 28, 2023 | 7:19 pm

Dominican Republic wins award as best tourist destination in the Caribbean

Philadelphia, United States.– Tourism Minister David Collado received here Wednesday an award recognizing the Dominican Republic as the Best Caribbean Island as a tourist destination.

The prestigious recognition was announced at the Leisure Lifestyle Awards by U.S.-based travel magazine Global Traveler.

Minister Collado expressed his gratitude for the award, which has been given to the Dominican Republic for the past three years.

“This new award belongs to all the people who every day welcome tourists with their smile and unique kindness, my people of the Dominican Republic,” Collado emphasized.

This award from Leisure Lifestyle Awards adds to the string of recognition the country has received for its overwhelming tourism success story over the past three years.

Among these recognitions, the World Tourism Organization (WTO) declared the Dominican Republic as the first country in the world to achieve full recovery after the pandemic.


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