Dominican leader vows to stage talks with Haiti ‘quickly’

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Wednesday announcedhe’ll "quickly" designate the high-level commission which both Haitiand Dominican Republic agreed to in Venezuela to discuss both nations’ joint agenda.
He reiterated that both Port-au-Prince and Santo Domingo willdesignate two commissions to deal with immigration and trade issues, as well asthe environment and poverty, but declined to name the officials.
When one of a throng of reporters asked when the firstmeeting between the commissions would take place, Medina shouted "realsoon."
The chief executive spoke with reporters after the graduationof 13 officers the Naval Academy.
During a meeting in Venezuela between Medina, and Haiti counterpart MichelMartelly, they both agreed on the need to resume the talks to “work with determinationand good faith to address migration, trade, the environment, security, amongother mutually satisfactory and beneficial issues.”