Power companies report a 12% surplus, question blackouts

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s power companies (ADIE) report a 12% surplus of available energy that hasn’t entered the system even though it’s necessary to avoid the long blackouts in the last few days.
According to the Coordinating Body of the National Grid (OC-SENI), on Sunday, at the beginning of the peak demand, at 5pm, the actual availability of the system was 2,337.94 megawatts, while that the demand supplied was 2,091.51MW, leaving a reserve of 245.93 corresponding to 11.76% of available energy that has not been called into the system by the Electricity Distribution Companies.
The ADIE said that although some power plants are down for maintenance, this available energy could avoid the long blackouts. “If it were introduced to the electrical system, would minimize the discomfort that causes citizens to be deprived of a service as vital as is the electric power.
“In addition to the plants in maintenance, other factors that have affected the supply are the high temperatures that increase the demand for energy, and the drought that has caused hydroelectric plants to produce 8% less than the generation they usually deliver o the system,” the ADIE said