Tourism May 28, 2019 | 5:01 pm

Case closed: Dominican Republic recovers its most pristine beach

Santo Domingo.- The Executive Branch on Tues. received the deed of property that accredits the Dominican State as the legitimate owner of nearly 362 million square meters of land including Bahia de las Aguilas, which were in private hands in a case of fraud.

The title that brings to a close the fraud committed years ago with the beachfront lands in southwestern Pedernales was delivered to the National Palace by Justice minister Jean Rodríguez.

“For me it is a great honor and cause of great satisfaction to receive on behalf of the President of the Republic the certificate of the Dominican State that ends the judicial process of recovery of plot 215 -A of the Cadastral District number 3, located in Enriquillo, Barahona,” legal advisor, Flavio Darío Espinal said upon receiving the title.

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