Local October 3, 2011 | 7:27 am

Dominicans demand education, the President pledges subway

Santo Domingo.- While thousands of protesters on the streets above the Santo Domingo State University (UASD) demanded compliance with the Law which allocates 4 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (PIB) for Education, president Leonel Fernandez again promised to conclude major public works in a nearby tunnel below.

Parents, students, professionals, artists, business leaders, politicians from different parties, people with incapacities, unionists and journalists marched for more than one hour starting 10:35 a.m. Sunday to demand compliance with the law, in the National Walk for Education organized by Coalition by a Dignified Education.

The protesters chanted “4% is the way, we are convinced,” “less corruption and more education”, “Neither rebar nor cement what we want is 4%” on the streets above, as Fernandez walked through the tunnel that will link Ortega and Gasset avenue with Santo Tomas de Aquino street, next to the UASD and reiterated that he’ll take the first test ride on the Santo Domingo Metro’s (subway) second Line next February 27.

“My commitment is that on February 27, upon finishing the state of the republic speech, we plan to do what we did in 2008: a ride. Of course it’s a test run because it will not be open to the public until all controls are in place had, but it will already be operational," he said of the subway line being built at a cost of more than US$700.0 million.

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