Local January 24, 2011 | 12:48 pm

Violent barrio groups announce protests

Santo Domingo.- The violent barrio organizations grouped in Falpo (Extended Popular Struggle Front) announced several protests starting Wednesday 26, including a halt in traffic in the northwest region and a picket in front of the Industry and Commerce Ministry, to demand lower prices on fuels and staple foods.

Falpo delegates from different provinces who attended a national assembly in the Bono center made the announcement, adding that the protest will include a banging of empty pots in several barrios of Santiago.

Falpo coordinator Victor Bretón said they’ll also halt traffic to and from the north central town of Moca on February l 2, and will stage a major march in San Francisco (northeast) on February 4.

Several police have been killed during Falpo’s protests in the last few years, some by high-power rifles.

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