Dominican Government readies “Pathways to Prosperity” gathering

Santo Domingo.- The preparations advance for the Meeting of Ministers “Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas,” with the participation of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Interior and Police deputy minister and event coordinator clara Quiñónez said tomorrow Tuesday discussions who will have like main subject the four pillars of the initiative, among them which to empower the micro, small and medium companies; facilitate trade and regional competitiveness, as well as to promote sustainable business practices.
“The Foreign Relations Minister (Carlos Morales) will host a cocktail for the international delegates who visit us for the event, and on the morning of October 5 we are also going to have a panel with the senior representatives of all the international entities which support the initiative, such the Cepal, the OAS and the IDB.”
Three observers and seven invited nations will participate with the 14 Member States in the conclave.