Penn, Schoen & Berland poll finds contradictions

Santo Domingo.- While 63% of the people polled by Penn, Schoen & Berland say the country is not headed in the right direction, 52% are satisfied with the Government’s efforts, a contradiction likely stemming from the current campaign leading to the May presidential elections.
The poll conducted for the media Group SIN also found a contradiction on what many say on government corruption, with a mere 6% calling it a pressing problem.
For 26% of the Dominicans asked, inflation and the cost of living are the most important problems; 24% said crime;18% mentioned unemployment, 8% cited deficient education and for a mere 6% it’s government corruption, with drugs and the blackouts tied at 4%.
The survey also found that 74% say the Dominican economy is also not headed in the right direction, but 33% feel the opposite.