People January 6, 2016 | 12:16 pm

UNIBE, PACAM launch plan to prevent violence against women

Santo Domingo.- UNIBE Universityand the association to assist cases of abused women (PACAM) agreed to develop astrategic and comprehensive Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women and DomesticPartners.

The agreement, signedby UNIBE rector Dr. Julio Amado Castaños and PACAM president Soraya Lara deMarmol, will address the preventive aspects, awareness, training and respectfor gender equality.

To achieve theobjectives, both entities undertake to manage multidisciplinary actions,including the development of diagnostics, internship programs of different careersin the PACAM, with special emphasis on Law, Psychology and AdvertisingCommunication.

For PACAM attended YaniraLara, Executive Director and Wilmara Peláez Vásquez, Coordinator of Projectsand Training, while for UNIBE attended Odile Camilo, Academic Vice Rector; AidaMencia, Dean of Academic Research; José Pérez Gómez; Dean of the School of Law;Loraine Amell, dean of International and Inter-Agency Affairs; Yira Vargas,director of the School of Psychology and Sagrario Feliz, director of the Schoolof Law.

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