Local August 12, 2016 | 8:19 am

Political persecution behind Tucanogate: ex president’s spokesman

Santo Domingo.- The spokesman of former president LeonelFernandez, on Thursday warned the Justice Ministry to proceed impartiality incases of alleged felonies regardless of the person, through an investigation whichensures due process and untainted by "blackmail and selective justice."

Rafael Nuñez’ statement comes just one day after the arrestof former minister Armed Forces minister Rafael Peña Antonio, an Air Force coloneland two civilians in connection with an alleged US$3.5 million bribe for thepurchase of eight Brazilian made, Super Tucano combat planes.

"Hopefully the prosecutors’ action don’t respond toblackmail or some kind of selective justice,” Nuñez said, noting that the JusticeMinistry has been “very diligent in the political chess game, which isinterpreted as blackmail," the journalist said.

"Anyone who’s held public office in Fernandez’sadministration or any other government, civilian or military, is obliged to renderaccount and go to the courts when so required, and it’s there where they mustprove their innocence," Nuñez said.

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