Economy September 14, 2015 | 8:53 am

Buy car in DR

Santo Domingo´s first cable car to cost US$66.7M

Santo Domingo.- The governmentis finalizing the studies of the impact zone to build Santo Domingo´s first cable car, including the razing of 144 properties located in its five-kilometerroute, at a cost of RD$3.0 billion (US$66.7 million).

In a document thegovernment´s La Barquita and Environs Development Project (URBE) said constructionof the first “metrocable” line will start October and will be operating by July2016.

The group POMA-J.Fortuna, with prior experience in Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Taiwan- wonthe tender to design and build the also named "Santo Domingo CableCar," which will benefit more than 287,000 commuters.

URBE coordinator PatriciaCuevas said the cable car system will cost RD$3.0 billion, including the appropriationof land from 1,400 families living on the banks of the Ozama river, Los Mina, SantoDomingo North and other barrios.

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