Economy December 2, 2015 | 11:04 am

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CEMEX Dominicana gets clean production kudos a 3rd straight year

Santo Domingo.- DominicanRepublic´s biggest cement maker CEMEX Dominicana was recognized by the EnvironmentMinistry for the third straight year, with the National Clean Production Award inthe Renewable Energy and Environmental Management System categories.

The prize is the resultof Cemex´s 1.5MW Photovoltaic Solar Plant and the Environmental ManagementSystem in Cement and Concrete Plant, in San Pedro de Macoris.

The company receivedthe awards during the National Clean Production Award 2015 ceremony, headed by Environmentminister Bautista Rojas.

"We receive withgladness this third recognition on Cleaner Production hosted by the Ministry ofthe Environment, which shows our commitment to seek the prosperity of thebusiness in the long term, minimizing impacts and maximizing the generated valuefor our stakeholders," said CEMEX Dominicana president Carlos EmilioGonzalez.

"Properenvironmental management is one of the pillars on which our company´s sustainabilitystrategy rests on, so we work hard to minimize impacts at each stage of ourprocesses," he said.

CEMEX Dominicana´s localoperations recently obtained the ISO 14001: 2004 certification, becoming one ofthe first companies in its sector with an environmental policy and management planfor all environmental aspects in its processes.

The projects recognizedfor part of CEMEX´s overall corporate policy to reduce CO2 emissions, with atarget of 25% throughout its operations by 2020.

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