Economy December 11, 2015 | 9:00 am

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At Dominican Republic conclave, World Customs vow to fight global terrorism

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.-The recent terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia, Turkey, Mali, and the downingof a Russian airliner with 224 passengers in Egypt´s Sinai Peninsula has promptedthe World Customs Organization (WCO) Policy Commission to call on governmentsworldwide to cooperate through customs to fight terrorism as a global threat.

The WCO, which concludedits work session in Dominican Republic on Thursday, stated its support and regretto the countries victim of terrorist attacks with a high human toll. In additionto terrorism, the WCO Council warns of the need to deal with the issues ofborder security and gun trafficking.

In a statement, the DominicanCustoms Agency (DGA) said the 104 delegates from 32 countries on fivecontinents discussed the role and prospects of world customs during three days,including the new challenges facing customs administrations. “They unanimouslyapproved a resolution so called Punta Cana 2015, which, among other importantaspects, stresses a commitment for cooperation among governments and variousinstitutions to mitigate risks.”

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