Economy January 11, 2016 | 8:53 am

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Dominican economy robust, but election year weighs: Top magazine

Santo Domingo.- The Britishmagazine The Economist Intelligence Unit forecast the foundations of theDominican economy will remain solid in 2016, but warns against runaway spendingby the government.

On its website the prestigious publication highlightsDominican Republic´s 7% growth of GDP in 2015, but noted slower expected growthin 2016, but remaining robust in the coming years.

It also stressed inflationbelow 4% at the close of the year.

The British magazine joinsother experts from several international organizations who agree on the country´spositive performance toward the end of last year, citing the Central Bank´s preliminarydata.

The EconomistIntelligence Unit notes however that as the result of an election year thefiscal deficit could expand to 2.5%, from runaway spending by the ruling party(PLD) to maintain control of Congress.

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