From the Dominican Republic to the World: United Telemedicine Network

The Dominican Republic has long been one ofthe most popular destinations in the Caribbean for Americans and Europeans toescape and enjoy its beautiful beaches, mountains, cultural heritage andgastronomy.
Last year, DR was ranked 6th place in theAmericas, based on international tourist arrivals (5.6 million) by The WorldTourism Organization (UNWTO) and now is coming to be known for their certifiedmedical and wellness services, which offer high quality treatments,paradisiacal recovery spots and substantial savings. Quoting Rene-MarieStephano, President of the Medical Tourism Association (MTA) "TheDominican Republic has the beuty, location, medical personnel and the price isright for attracting international patients".
Strategically located in the heart of theCaribbean, the Dominican Republic offers excellent connections to the Americasand the rest of the world, having the second-best transportation infrastructurein the region and the largest number of air and sea connections, with more than250 international daily flights to major destinations worldwide. The Dominican Republic Health & WellnessDestination Guide ( is acomprehensive source of information about the country and its health andwellness offerings.
Last year, more than 30 thousandinternational patients were treated with great results in the country, wherewarmth and hospitality are second to none. All these facilities, potential visitors and the will of visionaryinvestors, have made possible the founding of United Telemedicine Network, aprivate hospital network project with important future impact in the Caribbean,taking into consideration its health, accommodation and educational components.
This will be the first hospital with an integrated40 rooms hotel in the region, the project has initiated and is located atCharles de Gaulle Avenue in Santo Domingo, just 15 miles from Las AmericasInternational Airport. Already a MedicalTourism Association member, UTN will have 120 medical offices, 120 beds, 10 ORrooms, educational area, top notch diagnosis unit, international department andaccess to a local neighborhood of over a million people.
United Telemedicine Network (UTN) is bornwith designs, policies and procedures in accordance with internationalstandards and under alliances with international health centers, investors,traveler’s insurances and the community of foreign-based Dominicans.
The project model will fully integrate themanagement of each health center to the network, assuring the standardizationof quality and safety indicators.
“The Dominican Republic has shown greatgrowth in the tourism industry and we have come to support this industry…,"commented UTN investor Carlos Gomez in the Dominican edition of ForbesMagazine, "…by propelling innovation, telemedicine and transfer of technologies,as well as the development of a retirement and medical tourism communities."
On the other hand, Horacio Stagno, CommercialDirector of UTN affirms that medical tourism represents a great opportunity forthe Dominican Republic because it generates competition on quality, safety andinternational accreditation process; setting higher standards of services forthe locals and international patients, as well as promoting transfer of bestpractices and resources. The focus of the project is a patient center modelthat integrates the patient experience and great results, where training,certification and education are a priority.
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