Economy October 3, 2018 | 8:21 am

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US-based company to supply coal for Punta Catalina power plant

Punta Catalina. Photo

Santo Domingo.-  US-based company XcoalEnergy will supply 462,000 metric tons of coal to the Punta Catalina power plant during its test phase.

XcoalEnergy won the tender held by the State Electric Utility (CDEEE), beating the offers from competitors Trafigura LTD and CMC Coal Marketing.

XcoalEnergy will sell Type A coal at US$70.45 per metric ton and Type B at US$91.95 per metric ton.

CDEEE CEO Rubén Jiménez Bichara the plant needs 1.25 million tons of test coal from Oct. 2018 to Aug. 2019, divided between Type A (525,000 tons) and Type B coal (725,000 tons).

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