Economy January 28, 2019 | 3:47 pm

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Business leader slams business-politics collusion

Santo Domingo.-  National Herrera Industries Association (ANEIH), outgoing president Antonio Taveras Guzmán on Mon. warned of a paralysis in the national productive apparatus, as a result of the conspiracy between a business elite of with political sectors entrenched in power, which he affirms has converted the country from producer to importer on a large scale.

“Our country has been losing competitiveness, our companies have lost competitiveness, the industrial sector is in the ground and has lost all its capacity of contribution to the Gross Domestic Product and agro-industry is practically zero,” he said.

Taveras asked the Dominicans to confront that and other serious situations that threaten to turn the country into “an unviable society.”

“The country is experiencing a situation that could turn us into an unviable society if Dominicans don’t commit ourselves to the changes demanded by today’s economy, which has to do with having productive companies and being competitive,” he said.


The business leader said the collusion between business leaders and politicians “is generating the accelerated depredation of the Dominican State, since many of the transactions end up embezzling the State.”

Taveras added that the “large monopolies and large concentrations of two of the three large economic groups that do not allow medium and small businesses to climb to higher levels.”

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