Economy June 20, 2020 | 7:42 am

Buy car in DR

For eight consecutive weeks gasoline increases in price; other fuels also show increases in DR

These increases have been reflected for eight consecutive weeks in gasoline, from May 1 to date.

Santo Domingo, DR.

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and MSMEs (MICM) reported that for the week of June 20 to 26, fuel prices increased in price, increasing between RD $ 3.90 and RD $ 4.20.

These increases have been reflected for eight consecutive weeks in gasoline, from May 1 to date.

Premium gasoline registers an increase of RD $ 3.10 per gallon, it will be sold at RD $ 201.10; the regular rises RD $ 3.00, it will cost RD $ 186.70; regular diesel will be sold at RD $ 139.80, for an increase of RD $ 3.10; the optimal gallon of diesel will cost RD $ 151.90, for an increase of RD $ 4.20.

A gallon of avtur will be sold at RD $ 109.40, registering an increase of RD $ 1.90; kerosene will cost RD $ 133.00, it raises RD $ 1.90; fuel oil # 6 will be sold at RD $ 94.80, for an increase of RD $ 2.20; A gallon of oil fuel 1% S will be sold at RD $ 102.70, it rises RD $ 0.60.

They keep their price

While liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) maintains its price, selling at RD $ 105.40 per gallon; Natural gas likewise maintains its price for the second consecutive week and will be sold at RD $ 28.97 per cubic meter.

The average exchange rate is RD $ 58.07 according to a survey carried out by the Central Bank.

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