Consultants tout the planned Bávaro Airport

Santo Domingo.-The consulting firm ICF, with extensive experience in the aviation, travel and tourism sectors at a global level, on Mon. touted the planned Bávaro International Airport as the next avant-garde tourist infrastructure in the Caribbean region.
The international organization, which works in more than 70 countries offering advice to solve complex issues, affirmed that the infrastructure will be “the new tourist door in the Dominican Republic” to be built at a cost of more than US$200 million.
Noting that the Caribbean country plans to develop 75,000 additional hotel rooms along the Punta Cana coast over the next 15 years, the firm said the creation of “a green tourism infrastructure” is timely.
“Tourism and the hotel industry are critical elements of the country’s economy and a new airport is needed to cope with this growth,” the firm said on its website.
“The airport must be operationally efficient, socially and environmentally responsible and profitable for users, all while providing a superior passenger experience,” the ICF said.