Economy February 5, 2021 | 2:17 pm

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CODOPESCA and INESPRE look for strategies to improve fish price

The executive director of the Dominican Council of Fisheries and Aquaculture (CODOPESCA), Carlos José Then, met with Iván José Hernández Guzmán, executive director of the Price Stabilization Institute (INESPRE), to outline strategies to help develop production and marketing processes so that fish reaches Dominicans at the best possible prices.

With these measures, Codopesca will help increase the income of fish farmers and fishers and guarantee the supply of this critical item at the producers’ fairs organized by INESPRE.

“I am very grateful that through INESPRE’s popular markets, there will also be opportunities to offer fish from Dominican aquaculture producers to promote sales and healthy eating,” said Then.

For this agreement, both institutions will become facilitators of fishermen and fish farmers and will make interesting logistical contributions for the population to significantly improve the family basket’s food quality.

Their respective legal consultants accompanied both government officials.

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