Economy February 7, 2021 | 7:15 am

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Half of the workers in the Dominican Republic earn less than RD $ 15,000 (US $258/month)

A total of 524,446 workers earn salaries of more than RD $ 25,000 in the Dominican Republic.

Data from the Single Information and Collection System (SUIR) of the Social Security Treasury (TSS) indicate that as of December 31, 2020, the percentage of workers contributing to Social Security registered in the SUIR who received salary income below RD $ 10,001 is 15.43%, unlike the same period for the year 2019, which was 13.89% in the same salary range.

The document shows that half of the Dominican workers earn wages below RD $ 15,000 (US $260) per month. Of 2,039,902 workers contributing as of December 31, 2020, some 712,669 workers have a salary range between RD $ 10,001 (US $172) and RD $ 15,000 (US $260), for 34.94%.

Likewise, workers with a salary range of up to RD $ 10,000 and listed on the TSS, both in public and private sectors, amount to 314,832 employees, reaching 15.43%. Contributing workers with a salary range between RD $ 15,001 and RD $ 20,000 amount to 343,329, for 16.83% of all public and private sectors.

As of December 31, 2020, 524,446 workers earn salaries of more than RD $ 25,000 (US $431) per month in both the public and private sectors to form 25.71% of the universe of workers listed the Social Security Treasury (TSS).

As of December of last year, the cost of the family basket in the Dominican Republic was 36,760.56 pesos, according to data published by the Central Bank.

Fewer collections

The Social Security Treasury (TSS) shows a decrease of 1.23%, after reaching the sum of 121,397 million pesos as of December 31, 2020, to reduce 1,512 million pesos collected for the same period of the year 2019.

As of December 2020, a total of 2,039,902 workers were listed on the TSS, registering 204,204 fewer workers than in December 2019.

According to the Single Information and Collection System (SUIR) of the Social Security Treasury (TSS), of the 2,039,902 workers were quoting in the TSS in December 2020, 1,407,758 workers belong to the private sector, 307,902 to the centralized public industry, and 324,242 to the decentralized public sector.

According to the bulletin published by the TSS, updated on January 11, 2020, it details that the number of active employers in Social Security, registered in the SUIR database as of December 31, 2020, is 89,988 for a reduction of 1,185 employers compared to the same period of the previous year, equivalent to 1.30%.

Of the total number of employers, the Social Security Treasury indicates that 95.52% have between 1 and 50 registered workers.

The number of registered employers in the range of 1-15 workers increased by 581 compared to 2019.

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