Economy February 19, 2021 | 4:31 pm

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Edeeste has more interruptions than other distributors

Edeeste had an average of 10.38 interruptions.

Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad Edeeste has the highest frequency of interruptions in electricity service per customer and is the company that takes the longest to resolve these interruptions.

Edeeste had an average of 10.38 interruptions in January 2021. They may take 7.84 hours in the month, according to quality indicators in the electricity service in the past month of the Superintendency of Electricity (SIE). On the other hand, Edesur shows more efficiency in this regard with 6.77 interruptions in the month and Edenorte with 8.79 interruptions. This last Ede is the one that takes the least time to solve the interruptions in the electrical service per customer of 3.56 hours in the month. In the case of Edesur, it takes 6.74 hours per month.

On the other hand, each interruption in the electricity service during January had an average duration, per customer, per distribution company of 0.41 hours in Edenorte, 0.76 hours in Edeeste, and 0.996 Edesur.

The average availability of electric service is 99.50% in Edenorte, 99.08% for Edesur, and 98.91% for Edeste.

The SIE revealed that as the Dominican electricity subsector’s regulatory entity, it would publish monthly quality indicators in the distributors’ electricity service.
This report shows the following indicators for each distribution company:
• SAIFI – Monthly average of the frequency of interruptions in electricity service per customer
• SAIDI – Monthly average of the duration of interruptions in electricity service per customer
• CAIDI – Average duration of each interruption in electricity service during the month
• ASAI – Average availability of electricity service
• ASUI – Average unavailability of electricity service. This report will be done every month during the second week of the month with the previous month’s indicators.

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