Economy April 30, 2021 | 4:33 pm

Buy car in DR

Fuel prices rise and premium gasoline is nearly RD $ 250 a gallon

The gallon of premium gasoline will be sold to the public at RD $ 249.50 while the regular one will be sold at RD $ 236.50. (EXTERNAL SOURCE)

According to the news, the price of all fuels, except liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), will register increases of between RD$1.40 and RD$3 per gallon for the week of May 1 to 7 resolution of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Mipymes (MICM).

A gallon of premium gasoline will go up RD$1.40 and be sold to the public at RD$249.50, while regular gasoline will be sold at RD$236.50, increasing RD$3 per gallon.

Optimum and regular diesel will also register increases during the week. The former will be offered at RD$199.50, for a rise of RD$2 per gallon and regular at RD$183, up RD$1.90.

LPG will maintain its price unchanged and be offered to the public at RD$128.10 per gallon, according to the new MICM resolution.

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