Economy July 21, 2023 | 9:05 am

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No ruling affects the decree or the contract with the State to build the Bávaro International Airport

Punta Cana, DR.- The defense of AIB S.A.S clarifies that all the rulings mentioned in a statement on Monday by the East Airport Corporation and the Puntacana Group have been the subject of appeals seeking to rectify the constitutional violations committed against the fundamental rights of AIB.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. – The Defense Council of the Bávaro International Airport (AIB) reported via press release that in the legal processes faced by the company, there is no authority of the irrevocably judged thing. Therefore, it dismissed the truthfulness of the version that justice has ended the construction of the air terminal.

The legal defense of AIB reacted to a statement published on Monday by the defense team of the East Airport Corporation (CAE) and the Puntacana Group (GPC). They affirmed that no sentence has affected the decree approving the airport, nor the contract signed with the State for its construction.

“We are deeply concerned that the public is misinformed with statements about sentences that are not final, as these have been the subject of the corresponding appeals,” the AIB lawyers highlighted in a statement.

They recalled that the country’s justice system consists of three jurisdictional instances and one constitutional, so any sentence issued by a court can be appealed to higher courts. “We can only speak of a final decision when the case has gone through this process,” they emphasized.

It is important to note, they added, that the case of the Bávaro International Airport has been the subject of four sentences issued by the Second Chamber of the Administrative Superior Court, all under the same composition of judges.

Furthermore, they emphasized that two of these sentences (January 28 and December 16, 2022) were issued without holding hearings to listen to the parties involved, violating the fundamental right established in Article 69-4 of the Constitution.

The Defense Council of the Bávaro International Airport, which includes Dr. Emmanuel Esquea Guerrero, highlighted its firm commitment to defend the legality and transparency of the project. They pointed out that all the mentioned sentences have been the subject of appeals seeking to rectify constitutional violations of fundamental rights committed.

They labeled as unfortunate the fact that public opinion is resorted to in an attempt to influence the judges in charge of sentencing on the pending resources. They considered it unacceptable that a resolution from an agency dependent on the Executive Branch can ignore the rights acquired by the AIB, backed by a contract signed by the Dominican State with the authorization of the President of the Republic.

“We continue to trust in justice and the legality of our actions and we will continue to fight to rectify any violation of fundamental and constitutional rights,” they concluded.

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Paul Tierney
July 21, 2023 9:36 am

You know something, this whole matter of the BIA has been convoluted at minimum by a lack of ethics, following, and/or bastardizing conducts necessary to apply for permissions for the airport.

It is noteworthy to know ground was broken even before permits were issued, hearings schedules were not announced. permits issued without due process – especially during the last breaths of the PLD administration, and ect, ect, ect.

This is a case of the pot calling the pan black.

July 21, 2023 11:07 pm

GPC will lose tremendous revenue from new airport …that’s why they’re trying to block it ….don’t blame them …they want monopoly …why share ?!