Economy September 1, 2023 | 1:18 pm

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Technicians wait up to four years to get a job in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of the Presidency recently published the “Report Zero National System of Scholarships and Educational Support Credit,” which sheds light on key insights about the job placement patterns of professionals at different educational levels. The report, which covers the four years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, was released in late 2022.

According to the report, professionals with higher technical and undergraduate degrees, as well as graduates of the English Immersion Program and professional technical training, take an average of 4.07 years to secure their first job after graduating.

The analysis emphasizes the importance of strengthening professional families and areas of knowledge through educational public policies. It reveals that both the formal and informal sectors seek employees with at least a primary education level. While the formal sector primarily demands individuals with university education, the informal sector places a higher demand on individuals with secondary education.

One significant finding is that 39.1% of private sector employees belong to the professional families of Administration, Finance, and Law, with Administration accounting for 29.5% and Commerce for 19.2%.

The report highlights that 73% of the profiles sought after by businesses fall within the professional families of Administration, Finance, and Law (53.3%) and Commerce (20%).

In terms of higher education program offerings and enrollments, the report reveals that the professional families with the highest average number of programs and annual percentages nationwide were Education (24.5% with 530 programs), Administration, Finance, and Law (21.5% with 466 programs), and Services and Socio-Cultural and Community (11.3% with 244 programs). On the other hand, the professional families with the fewest programs were Personal Services (0.05% with one program), Transport and Logistics (0.1% with three programs), and Textile, Clothing, and Footwear (0.2% with four programs).

The report concludes that the higher education system exhibits a strong capacity to produce professionals in certain fields, including Socio-Cultural Services, Health & Wellness, Education, Arts and Humanities, Construction and Mining, Information Technology and Communications, Physical, Sports, and Recreational Activities, as well as Generic Programs and Certifications. However, it points out that despite the enrollment and graduation rates in these fields surpassing private sector employment rates, there is a need to align the education system more effectively with market demands.

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Paul Tierney
September 1, 2023 1:29 pm

Could it be the wait is long because employers do not desire to pay the salaries the technicians demand? So, it is a stand-off until one of them blinks.