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OGTIC reports over 198 million pesos saved through GOB Points in 2023-2024

Santo Domingo.- The Government Office of Information and Communication Technologies (OGTIC) reported generating savings of over 198 million pesos from 2023 to mid-2024 through services provided at GOB Points.

Bartolomé Pujals, director of OGTIC and executive director of the Digital Innovation and Development Cabinet, revealed that in 2023, 784,789 citizens visited GOB Points, requesting 1,095,965 services and collectively saving 129,769,848 pesos. From January to May 2024, 422,548 users saved a total of 69,870,997 pesos while requesting 606,574 services.

Currently, 32 institutions offer multiple services at GOB Points, enhancing efficiency and accessibility by allowing citizens to complete various procedures in one location. Participating institutions include the Attorney General’s Office, General Directorate of Passport, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), Santiago Aqueduct and Sewer Corporation (CORAASAN), National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (INTRANT), Social Policy Coordination Cabinet, National Police, National Health Insurance (SENASA), Ministry of Labor, Superintendence of Health and Occupational Risks (SISALRIL), Superintendency of Electricity (SIE), Social Security Treasury (TSS), Edenorte Dominicana, National Industrial Property Office (ONAPI), General Directorate of Migration (DGM), Administrator of Social Subsidies (ADESS), Supérate, Single Beneficiary System (SIUBEN), BanReservas, Dominican Postal Institute (INPOSDOM), General Directorate of National Assets (BN), Aqueduct and Sewer Corporation of Santo Domingo (CAASD), National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro-Consumidor), Ministry of the Interior and Police (MIP), Directorate of Information and Defense of Social Security Affiliates (DIDA), Central Electoral Board Expeditions Center (JCE), Santo Domingo Este City Council (ASDE), General Directorate of Retirements and Pensions (DGJP), National Institute of Teacher Welfare (INABIMA), National Happy Family Housing Plan (PNFF), and Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

GOB Points are part of the Citizen Service Center initiative, providing a modern, efficient, and dynamic in-person service system that incorporates information resources for service provision.

There are six GOB Points located in Sambil, Megacentro, Expreso Santo Domingo Este, Santo Domingo Oeste at Occidental Mall, Santo Domingo Norte at Colina Centro, and the first regional GOB Point in Santiago. These centers operate Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM and Saturdays from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

During 2023, under the management of Bartolomé Pujals and following instructions from President Luis Abinader, three new GOB Points were opened. These are strategically located at the Occidental Mall in Santo Domingo Oeste, Colina Centro Shopping Center in Santo Domingo Norte, and the first regional GOB Point in the Sirena Shopping Center on Avenida Estrella Sadhalá in Santiago.

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