The Dominican National Confederation of Agricultural Producers warns of “famine” due to crisis

Eric Rivero, President of Confenagro.
SANTO DOMINGO .- Erik Rivero, president of the National Confederation of Agricultural Producers (Confenagro), warned that in the country a great famine could be unleashed in the near future due to the crisis the agricultural sector is going through due to the 50% drop in the marketing channels for agricultural products and the drop in consumption.
Rivero asked President Danilo Medina to urgently create a high-level agricultural commission to deal with this crisis.
*Note, Rather than a cause for panic, this news is somewhat hopeful. This information gives us a chance to avoid a worst-case scenario. It is essential to realize that the first step in finding or creating a solution for a problem is to recognize and acknowledge there is a problem in the first place. Therefore the public airing of such critical concerns via news reportage is of the utmost importance in these times.
As long as enough voices are raised now regarding these concerns it should be possible to avoid further crisis.
— *Renn Loren