Health January 5, 2021 | 12:17 pm

Banks adjust hours of face-to-face services; with a new curfew they will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays

The ABA recommends that financial users use the digital platforms that the different banking entities keep active to offer services to their clients, thus reducing the presence of people in the branches.  

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic.-  To comply with the new provisions established by the Government to prevent the spread of COVID-19, in addition to protecting the health of their collaborators and clients, the multiple banks operating in the country made adjustments to their hours of face-to-face services in offices, branches, and drive-throughs.

The information was given by the Association of Commercial Banks of the Dominican Republic (ABA), who reported that, from Monday to Friday, the closing hours of all banking entities will be until 4:00 in the afternoon and that the first two Saturdays and Sundays in January will be closed at all times.

The ABA added that each bank would maintain the current opening hours to date in all its branches. Hence, it urges you to visit their communication platforms to confirm the hours they will be available for face-to-face services.

Likewise, the union recommended financial users to use the digital platforms that the different banking entities keep active to offer services to their clients, thus reducing the presence of people in the branches.

He stressed that if it is necessary to visit the offices, the banks have rigorous protocols for the prevention and containment of the virus that include the mandatory use of a mask and disinfectant gel before entering the locations, limited access for customers to avoid crowds, cleaning and frequent disinfection of workspaces and customer service, among others.

Other measures are displaying information in prominent places in branches and offices on what to do to prevent contagion, implementing a teleworking plan for specific areas of the banks, including the most vulnerable people, and an action protocol for handling contagion cases, mitigating risks to third parties.

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