Health May 22, 2021 | 8:06 am

Health issues an alert for an increase in covid-19 cases in Greater Santo Domingo

Unvaccinated and diabetics warned not to visit the capital city.


The Ministry of Health issued an epidemiological alert that warns about the increase of new covid-19 infections in Greater Santo Domingo and reiterates recommendations to avoid getting sick and having complications.

“Given the current health situation in the country with the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the increase in cases and hospital occupancy in the Metropolitan region, especially in Greater Santo Domingo, the General Directorate of Epidemiology issues the following recommendations to the entire population,” says the document containing the alert.

Citizens should follow the original recommendations to prevent the spread of covid-19, such as using masks, keeping distance between people, washing hands frequently if they have been close to other human beings, as well as keeping their distance in transportation and public spaces.

He recommended that people who are not vaccinated and are type 2 and 3 diabetics refrain from visiting the National District and the province of Santo Domingo.

Some 70 beds have been incorporated for covid-19, and it is expected that the authorities will announce this weekend increased additional measures to prevent the spread of the viral disease.

The Epidemiological Alert: Coronavirus Sickness is dated 18 May 2021 but was released Thursday night through the Ministry of Public Health’s Twitter account.

The contagion situation is critical in Greater Santo Domingo. The greatest concern is because the Government arranged the in-person opening of the school year throughout the national territory.

Other points. The highest number of covid-19 infections, besides Santo Domingo, is registered in Santiago, La Vega, Barahona, Puerto Plata, Valverde and San Cristóbal. It is recommended that the population go to vaccination centers to be immunized and avoid complications.

In the Metropolitan region, patients lined up in hospitals to get a bed and save their lives.

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