Health May 25, 2021 | 2:07 pm

644 positive coronavirus cases reported; positivity continues to increase

In the Dominican Republic, confirmed coronavirus cases rose to 285,211 with 644 new cases, while 3,610 have died.

According to bulletin number 432 issued by the Ministry of Public Health, 1,520,322 samples have been processed, and 237,553 people have recovered from the virus.

Public Health reports that the daily positivity is 20.39 percent, and in the last four weeks, it is 13.09 percent. Meanwhile, the lethality rate is 1.27 percent, and mortality per million inhabitants is 345.50.

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The Hospital Network has 2532 COVID beds, of which 1069 are occupied, for 42 percent, with 357 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds occupied out of the 572 available in the system for patients affected by the disease representing 62 percent. Of a total of 478 ventilators in the system, 243 people are connected, for 51 percent.

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