Health January 26, 2022 | 10:52 am

ICU occupancy climbs; other Covid indicators fall

Santo Domingo.- During three days there has been a decrease in the indicators for Covid-19, such as internment beds occupancy, positivity, lethality, active cases and new infections, a situation that could be noted in the low influx of these patients to health centers.

However, the occupancy of beds for seriously ill patients in the Intensive Care Units continues to increase, reaching 40 percent yesterday. This means that 235 of the 585 ICUs that the system has at a general level are occupied.

In this sense, the Dominican Society of Infectious Diseases president, Clevy Pérez, explained that although it is true that fewer cases are being seen in consultations, many are still affected by Covid-19, so the drop in cases could due to the number of samples processed, among other factors.

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