Laziness keeps people from getting booster

Santo Domingo.- The announcement by the Ministry of Health of resolution 0005-2022, which extends to February 21 the deadline to present the vaccination card with three doses, did not change the agenda of the citizens who had already scheduled to be inoculated this Monday with the booster dose.
“I’m out of it. I hadn’t put it because work wouldn’t let me,” said Ernesto Ventura as he left the vaccination station at the Pedro Henríquez Ureña University (Unphu).
“Because of laziness I had not done it,” argued Henry Betances.
It doesn’t work the same for everyone. Old and sick people are the ones whom needs to be vaccinated because healthy and young people are not dying from this virus. So stop making people living in fear of drying because we are going to die one day.
Lies and misinformation get knowledgeable
Woww…. You guys wrote an article based on the situation of a single person so we can think it is the same reason for milions of people who don’t want to drink your coolaid anymore?
People didn’t show up because they realize it’s a scam, it’s junk science, the pandemic is not real, your injections are toxics and they are for other purposes, they didn’t show up because the first 2 doses made them very ill.
Rather you like it or not this scam is coming to an end people are waking up now so deal with it.
110% agreed…
So according to DT people in Australia felt the same lazyness as Mr Henry Betances and did not showed up to get boosted (3rd dose)😉